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    Our surgical spectrum

    Retinal surgery

    What conditions does retinal surgery treat?

    The conditions treated with retinal surgery can be divided into three categories according to method of treatment:

    1. injections with Lucentis or Eylea® are the treatment for wet macular degeneration
    2. laser therapy for retinal tears, minor retinal detachments, diabetic retinal diseases, thromboses or circulatory disorders of the retina
    3. vitrectomy (removal of the vitreous jelly) is performed in the case of retinal detachment, epiretinal fibroplasia (formation of a fine membrane on the centre of the retina = macula), or a macular hole

    Preliminary consultation and diagnosis

    Before commencing with any treatment, I diagnose the condition during an in-depth consultation.

    Since I do not perform the vitrectomy myself, I refer you to the appropriate clinic depending on the urgency or indication—fortunately, we have very experienced and well-respected retinal surgeons in Zurich.


    Minor retinal procedures are always carried out on an outpatient basis. Vitrectomy is usually performed as an inpatient procedure.

    I carry out laser treatment in my practice, and administer injections for the treatment of the various retinal diseases at either Talwiesen Eye Hospital or Vista Hospital.

    Vitrectomy is performed at the hospital of a retinal surgeon. The procedure involves removing the vitreous using endoscopic instruments.

    After surgery

    Postoperative measures differ depending on the indication: usually, some air is left in the eye after vitrectomy for internal tamponade of the retina. This requires the patient’s head to be kept in a specific position for a few days. In addition, the patient is not fully mobile.