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    Our surgical spectrum

    Corneal surgery

    The most widely known corneal diseases that can be treated surgically include keratoconus (deformation of the cornea), corneal opacities due to injury, corneal infections, congenital corneal degenerations.

    Preliminary consultation and diagnosis

    A patient usually has a long previous history before surgical intervention is considered—that is to say the indication for surgery ‘matures’ slowly. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of surgery in several consultations. I have a great deal of experience in the diagnosis and clarification of corneal diseases and will naturally advise you fully on all aspects.


    The procedures can be performed on an out- or inpatient basis.

    Major procedures such as corneal transplantation are normally performed on an inpatient basis at centres that have many years of experience, for example the Cantonal Hospital Lucerne under the direction of Professor Thiel.

    After surgery

    The first follow-up examination is usually undertaken by the surgeon—I conduct subsequent check-ups and manage the therapy. Eyelid surgery is usually followed by treatment with eye drops over a longer period.