
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed quis ex sit amet elit ultrices hendrerit in eu nisl. Fusce vitae condimentum justo, ac maximus augue. Sed suscipit diam non mattis finibus. Quisque in metus vitae elit tristique ullamcorper at id mi. Suspendisse at orci elit. Donec nec efficitur quam, a elementum risus.



    Specialist areas

    Macular degeneration

    What is macular degeneration?

    Macular degeneration is an umbrella term for various diseases of the macula—the region of the retina that regulates sharp vision and allows us to read, recognise faces, details, colours, etc.

    Macular degeneration most frequently occurs in older people—age-related macular degeneration. Other macular diseases occur with diabetes, circulatory disorders (thrombosis, infarction of the retina) and severely short-sighted patients. Genetic macular diseases are less common.

    What symptoms occur with macular degeneration?

    As a rule, there is a deterioration in close range vision: the patient starts having problems reading and recognising details or faces. Typically, patients experience distorted vision in the form of ‘metamorphopsia’, i.e. wavy lines. Sometimes, there are also spots in the field of vision.

    The Amsler grid (named after Dr Amsler) is an effective screening test for early detection, as is the new technology of the Alleye app.


    Test your own vision regularly with the Alleye app. Alleye detects changes in the eye at an early stage. You receive reliable feedback on your vision—even between visits to your physician.


    What causes macular degeneration?

    It most often occurs with advancing age. But there are also risk factors that are not related to age, e.g. smoking, excessive UV radiation, diabetes. In addition, a family history of macular degeneration can favour the condition.

    How is macular degeneration treated?

    We differentiate between wet and dry macular degeneration.

    For the dry form, which is more common, there is unfortunately a lack of effective therapies. We therefore focus on preventing the disease. In this respect, it is important to take lutein, a vitamin B complex found in yellow and green vegetables as well as in citrus fruits and fish. Excessive exposure to UV light should also be avoided.

    Wet macular degeneration is treated very effectively with active substances injected into the eye. I perform this short and painless procedure on an outpatient basis in a hospital.

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