
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed quis ex sit amet elit ultrices hendrerit in eu nisl. Fusce vitae condimentum justo, ac maximus augue. Sed suscipit diam non mattis finibus. Quisque in metus vitae elit tristique ullamcorper at id mi. Suspendisse at orci elit. Donec nec efficitur quam, a elementum risus.



    Team & Practice

    Pascal Abegg (Sport Optometry)

    Pascal Abegg is a master optician and sports optometrist with whom we work closely. He carries out the functional eye training. The training programme is always prepared according to individual needs.

    Pascal Abegg’s patients include:

    • athletes and top-ranking sportspeople
    • children (e.g. ADHD, reading difficulties, ametropia)
    • accident trauma patients
    • people with general ametropia
    • members of corps in which perception and vision play a key role
    • companies that want to make the most of the potential of their employees and management

    Pascal Abegg has optimised his technique over the years. Working with him opens up completely new perspectives in the treatment of ametropia as well as other problems in vision development. Patients and referring physicians are fascinated by how he always manages to break new ground and refine the treatment.

    Detailed information can be found on Pascal Abegg’s website.