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    Specialist areas

    Corneal diseases

    What are corneal diseases?

    There is a wide spectrum of corneal diseases with varying degrees of severity, for example:

    • injuries to the cornea
    • keratitis—inflammation of the cornea, which occurs most often among wearers of contact lenses
    • keratoconus—a progressive thinning and cone-shaped deformation of the cornea
    • dystrophies—congenital opacities of the cornea
    • sicca—corneal surface changes in the context of dry eye
    • cornea guttata or Fuchs’ dystrophy, also referred to as Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy—age-related changes on the inside of the cornea

    What symptoms occur with corneal diseases?

    The diseases are diverse and the discomforts are just as varied. Deteriorating vision is a common denominator. There is also often a glare phenomenon, pain, and the sensation of a foreign body. 

    What causes corneal diseases?

    Many of the diseases are congenital and remain undetected for a long time because the patients go about their daily lives without any symptoms. Furthermore, the diseases are often age-related and caused by accidents, contact lenses, or life circumstances.

    How are corneal diseases treated?

    Conservative therapy can be used to keep many corneal diseases ‘under control’ for a long time or to alleviate the symptoms associated with them.

    If the condition deteriorates after a few years, surgical therapy often becomes necessary.

    I have a great deal of experience in the diagnosis and clarification of corneal diseases. I accompany patients for many years during the course of their conservative treatment. In case of surgery, I work with leading cornea specialists in Switzerland, first and foremost with Professor Thiel, head physician at Lucerne Eye Hospital.